
Humans display expressions, more complex than other organisms. We think we’re smarter than the rest – we’re not. Ultimately, we are nothing but slaves to neurotransmitters, triggered by those around us. No, I disagree. Vicinity is irrelevant. Distance is by no means a protective factor for such pseudo physics. Perhaps, one could argue that other organisms are smarter than humans, for they can’t comprehend emotional complexities that can throw us off course.

Why is it that we experience such events, yet we continue to hide away. Are they not meant to be seen or heard – from a biological perspective of survival? Or am I just too precious and spoilt to think self-actualisation is actually attainable. The consequences of caring can put you in that state. That state where you’re beyond the anger and crying. It’s a blank state, stillness almost, your breathing doesn’t change, but your eyes become blurry. There are tears – but you’re not crying.

It’s all too familiar.

But you know what, when you’re frequently confronted with mortality – it could be worth it.






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